Nmmapper Nmap simple API

Nmmapper offers the best online nmap tools across the internet. We offer more options to our users/patrons than across the other similar providers like us. We use the python3-nmap which offer simple way of using nmap in python. This appears provides the following scan type

Following is what our api provides

  • Scan nmap top ports(default)

  • version detection

  • Os Detection

  • UDP Scan

Currently our API supports only that, and that’s what we hope to support nothing more than than. To use our API you will have to register Or you can contact us. And then generate API Key. Our API is not provided for free, you can either become a patreon or you can contact us and we see how to setup.

Performing a default scan

import requests

headers= {"X-Auth-Email":"youremail@something-here-re.com"}

# or if you want to use api X-AUTH-KEY and api X-AUTH-SECRET
headers = {"X-AUTH-SECRET":"", "X-AUTH-KEY":""}

res = requests.get(url, headers=headers)

The above is the default scan offered.

Performing API OS Detection

Nmap os scan attempts to perform os detection of the remote host

import requests
headers= {"X-Auth-Email":"youremail@something-here-re.com"}

# or if you want to use api X-AUTH-KEY and api X-AUTH-SECRET
headers = {"X-AUTH-SECRET":"", "X-AUTH-KEY":""}

res = requests.get(url, headers=headers)

Top perform is detection you just pass data with scantype:”osdetection”

Performing Nmap API Version Detection

import requests
headers= {"X-Auth-Email":"youremail@something-here-re.com"}

# or if you want to use api X-AUTH-KEY and api X-AUTH-SECRET
headers = {"X-AUTH-SECRET":"", "X-AUTH-KEY":""}

res = requests.get(url, headers=headers)

Performing Nmap API UDP Scan

import requests
headers= {"X-Auth-Email":"youremail@something-here-re.com"}

# or if you want to use api X-AUTH-KEY and api X-AUTH-SECRET
headers = {"X-AUTH-SECRET":"", "X-AUTH-KEY":""}

res = requests.get(url, headers=headers)